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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Message from (the) Boss

Today poet Todd Boss posted a picture of the 12 rejection notices he has received in the past from Poetry Magazine. He received these 12 before any of his poem were accepted, and today he was celebrating his 15th poem to be in Poetry. His point was that we should never stop trying.

Looking at Boss's status update, I wondered how long it had been since I had even sent out a submission to a journal. I've been worrying about my poor newly homeless manuscript since this spring when its publisher folded, and I haven't been doing anything about submitting new work. In fact, when I checked my records, it had been 9 months since I submitted anything. Sheesh, I could have made a baby in all that time!

So this morning, despite the fact that I need to take the final two online exams of my semester, I put together a packet and submitted it to five journals. And I have an idea for a second packet, but I'm going to finish my exams first, and do that next week (or October 1st, since apparently a few journals I'm interested in don't open till then). Anyway, thanks to Todd Boss, I'm back in the game.


Mari said...

Good for you, Jessica. I've not sent anything out for over a year, but then I've not been generating much new work, either. Now that exams are behind me and I'm a Licensed Professional Adult, it's time to get back in the saddle.

Jessica Goodfellow said...

It's hard to keep sending out during times of big changes, isn't it? But your time will come again, hopefully soon as you've passed your exams!!! Yay for you!

Mari said...

Thank you! May your own poems find good homes. : )