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Monday, September 24, 2012

A Room of Her Own

A Room of Her Own Foundation, a non-profit supporting women in the arts and the sponsor of the $50,000 Gift of Freedom Award, is asking  creative women/women artists to respond to its questionnaire about issues facing creative women. They ask some provocative questions, so consider helping them determine what women artists experience and what they need. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and can be reached at the link above.


Mari said...

I'd gotten several questions in when the web site collapsed, along with all my entries. Couldn't re-enter the survey link after that. Maybe I'd reached the end and it automatically closed up shop? In any case, thanks for posting, Jessica.

Jessica Goodfellow said...

Mari, that's too bad. It's an interesting survey. It asked me questions I've never been asked before. Maybe you did finish, but when I finished, I was informed and told where I could access the results when the poll finally closed. So you probably would have known for sure...

Mari said...

I will try again.