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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kartsonis Online

A poet I am particularly entranced with, Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis, is featured in the Thrush September edition online. Thrush is a new online journal that I couldn't be more enthusiastic about. So go!



Sophia Kartsonis said...

What a great thing to trip across. Thank you very much for the kind words. I would love to send you a copy of my new book, The Rub if you're interested.

Jessica Goodfellow said...

What a very generous offer! I live in Japan, though, and I try not to inflict international postage on anybody. But I will add your book to my Christmas wishlist. I hadn't realized it was out yet; I somehow thought December. But anyway, come Christmas I will have myself a copy. But thank you for your offer, and more to the point, thank you for your work! Jessica

One to Intaglio said...

Thanks for making me feel like it's getting read. It is enough to get to write the poems, but it's a great feeling to know that they reach others.

Jessica Goodfellow said...

Your work is getting out there, absolutely. I recommend it regularly to readers and friends. Please keep writing more!