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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Black & White

At the blog Little Brown Pen, Evan Robertson has illustrated in black-and-white some of his favorite quotes he has underlined in books throughout the years. Wonderful!

And prints available on Etsy as well. See below for two examples:

Original Illustration, Virginia Woolf quotation - Fine Art Prints - Art Posters - Literature inspired art - Dorm decor

Original Illustration, Spinoza quotation - Fine Art Prints - Art Posters - Literature inspired art - Dorm decor

Here's hoping they put out a book of all of these, as I can't choose!!!


Sandy Longhorn said...

Love these! Thanks for posting!

Mari said...

Love these!

Jessica Goodfellow said...

Aren't they wonderful? Be sure to check out both links, as they show different pieces.