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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to Write a Poem

The How-To Issue hosts poet Catherine Pond on "How to Write a Poem." While the ideas are not new, it's good to be reminded. And so forcefully.

And here's info about the How-To Issue, taken from their "About" page:

The How-To Issue was born out of frustration with The New York Times Book Review’s 2012 How-To Issue. We’re here to post or reblog any sort of how-to pieces (reviews, comics, drawings, lists…) by women writers.
The original call for submissions is here; click here to send your piece to The How-To Issue’s hostess, @mollytempleton. There is no longer a deadline; just keep the pieces coming, and I’ll keep posting them. I will reply to all submissions, but it’s going to take a little more time than I initially expected. Please be patient! Thank you!


Be sure to click on the link about how this blog got started (the frustration with the NYTBR)--worth reading!

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