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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Submit: Ancient Asia

The journal Cha: An Aisan Literary Journal has a call out for submissions concerning ancient Asia.

For details, click on their website link, or read the following, copied from their website blog:

"now accepting submissions for “The Ancient Asia Issue,” an edition of the journal devoted exclusively to work from and about Asia before the mid-nineteenth century.

From the beginning of the twentieth century, ancient Asia has contributed to the rebirth and re-imaginations of modern literatures, not only in English (from Ezra Pound to Gary Snyder) but in other western languages as well (Victor Segalen, Octavio Paz, Bertolt Brecht…). “The Ancient Asia Issue” of Cha seeks to revivify this tradition, featuring translations and original works of poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art from and about Ancient Asia, to be published in September 2013. If you have something interesting, opinionated, or fresh to say about the Asian past, we would like to hear from you. Please note that we can only accept submissions in English.
If you would like to have work considered for "The Ancient Asia Issue", please submit by email to by 20th June, 2013. Please include "The Ancient Asia Issue" in the subject line of the email. Submissions to the issue should conform to our guidelines."

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