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Friday, January 13, 2012

Murakami Around the World

Flavorwire has today provided me with the most fun I've had in a long time. In honor of Haruki Murakami's birthday (which apparently is 1/12, and therefore already finished in Japan, and likely nearly done or all done for the year where you are too), they have put together different book covers of his novels from editions all over the world. Compare the Vietnamese cover of Kafka On the Shore to the German one, for example. See which country's style you tend to favor. I found the Israeli covers largely sympathetic, for instance, and would never have known that otherwise. See many different Murakami covers here, and I'll paste some of my favorites below.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles covers are lots of fun for me, because I have a passion for bird imagery. Check these out:
Israeli edition

 Turkish ediiton

Slovakian edition

More bird imagery in the Vietnamese edition of Kafka on the Shore:

Here are the Russian A Wild Sheep Chase covers:

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