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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Poem at Silver Birch Press

 I have a new poem at Silver Birch Press in their "All About My Mother" series. Mine is "My Mother Has a Favorite Everything, and of Colors, It is Orange."  Enjoy. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

SoFloPoJo Reading Coming Up!

 I'm one of the readers at the launch poetry reading for the new issue of SoFloPoJo is coming up Friday Aug 9th, 2024 @ 7:30 PM EST. Register here to join us.

Friday, August 2, 2024

New Poem in South Florida Poetry Journal

 I'm grateful to have a new poem at South Florida Poetry Journal. Called 'Difficulties in Translation,' that's what it's about--living in and between two languages. Here's how it begins:

Difficulties in Translation
The title of a painting by a Japanese artist
was translated as ‘Categories of Difficulty’―
by whom? the artist?
by the museum?
As nouns in Japanese are not inflected
for number, the title might have been
rendered as ‘Categories of Difficulties’ or
‘Category of Difficulties’ or
‘Category of Difficulty.’
How in van Gogh’s painting we cannot tell if the blackbirds are flying into the canvas
or out of it.
Or the strange ways angels mispronounce your name.

To read the full poem, go to: Just scroll down--poets are alphabetized by last name (I'm under Goodfellow). If viewing on your phone, turn it sideways to get a better sense of intended line breaks.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Four Poems at Poets for Science

 I have four poems up now at Jane Hirshfield's Poets for Science Global Gallery. Tons of science-related poems over there. Check them out.

Here are mine:

Radium Girls, first published in The Westchester Review

Darwin's Conjecture, first published in The Threepenny Review

Mendeleev's Mandala, the title poem of my second book

Lagrange's Problem, first published in Diagram, and included in my first book, The Insomniac's Weather Report

I'm hoping to have a few more, once I've checked on the rights, so if interested, stay tuned. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Secular Cubist

 The November/December 2023 issue (Vol. 11.5) of TAB Journal  (out of Chapman University) is now available online. My poem "Secular Cubist" is included alongside poems by Angie Macri, Susan Rich, Lynne Schmidt, Dustin Brookshire, and Ellen Kombiyil, among others. 

Thanks to editor Anna Leahy, you can listen to "Secular Cubist" by scrolling down the page here, or you can download the entire issue. You can also order a print copy of the issue at the same page.